NH #260: 5th Anniversary SPECIAL! Kevin Kamps, Mary Olson, Don Hancock, More!
Nuclear Hotseat – Now Downloaded in 112 Countries*
To celebrate five years of continuous, weekly production, Nuclear Hotseat revisits some activists and stories we’ve been covering.
Featured Interviews:
- Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear on the recent federal court refusal to reconsider nuclear reactor on-site long term radioactive waste storage.
- Mary Olson of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, or NIRS, on the recent EPA proposal to let us all be exposed to more radiation in our drinking water.
- Don Hancock of Southwest Research and Information Center on radwaste storage at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, or WIPP.
- Linda Seeley of San Louis Obispo Mothers for Peace on a brilliant new strategy to force the closure of Diablo Canyon.
- Erica Gray of the Sierra Club on current problems w/our country’s newest nuclear nightmare, Watts Bar.
Numnutz of the Week:
What in the world is Japan thinking, deciding to pave its roads with radioactive Fukushima waste and rubble?!?
- *ASTONISHING stats – In one month, Nuclear Hotseat was downloaded in 112 countries on six continents. And that’s the stats from just ONE syndicator! (*UCY.TV audit, May 11-June 11, 2016)
- Funny outtakes from the past year’s recordings – proof that Nuclear Hotseat has, at times, gone to the dogs.
- Flashbacks to earlier episodes, including the time I made Dr. Helen Caldicott laugh.
- Testimonials from leading activists on the importance of Nuclear Hotseat to our community and our movement.