NH #205: SPECIAL- Sister Megan Rice, Greg Boertje-Obed, Michael Walli – Transform Now Plowshares: The Interviews
SPECIAL: Newly freed 85-year old nun, Sister Megan Rice, speaks at length about the peaceful 2012 Transform Now Plowshares protest action against the Y-12 nuclear facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, which resulted in her being charged with sabotage and sentenced to almost three years in prison. Now out of prison pending a re-sentencing hearing, she and co-defendants Gregory Boertje-Obed, 60, and Michael Walli, 68, both of whom were sentenced to over five years in prison, speak at length with Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy on what they did, why they did it, what they faced as a result, and what’s next. It’s not over yet. Stunning information from three genuine heroes of our movement in three separate interviews – a full-length Nuclear Hotseat Exclusive!
LINKS to the Transform Now Plowshares statement and Indictment of Oak Ridge for War Crimes that was drawn up by these three brave activists and read at the Y-12 site. For more information on the work of these fine peace activists and to donate, go to:
Photo Credit: Dan Zak, by his permission.