NH #161: UN’s UNSCEAR Fukushima Radiation Report Blasted by IPPNW’s Alex Rosen


Dr. Alex Rosen, a German pediatrician and Vice President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in Germany, cites his organization’s recently published Critical Analysis of the UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee On The Effects Of Atomic Radiation) report on Fukushima that seriously – some might say criminally — minimizes the health dangers of that nuclear disaster.  Dr. Rosen decodes the UNSCEAR report’s methodology, shows where it cherry-picked its data and, in effect, demolishes its credibility.



Fukushima city government launches a new public information program to educate its kids about radiation.  It includes such contraindicated gems as:

  • It is important to walk or play outside.
  • Open the window to keep good ventilation (nothing about the need for air filtration).
  • Dry clothes in sunshine (no word about radionuclides in the air or dust)
  • Air your futon outside when it’s sunny!
Fukushima city government campaign, "Let's Build Radiation Resistance Body"
Fukushima city government campaign, “Let’s Build Radiation Resistance Body”

For a more realistic look at what it means to attempt life in Fukushima Daiichi’s radiation-saturated environment, here’s a picture of Fukushima nuclear refugee Setsuko Kida (from Nuclear Hotseat #134 – http://ow.ly/sP00P) facing the need to do her dishes with bottled water:

Setsuko was surprised to see clean dishes stacked on her kitchen sink.  “The dishes were still dirty in the sink, but my husband must have brought along some water and washed them,” she said, choking back tears. 台所の食器が綺麗に洗ってあると驚く木田さん。 「汚れっぱなしだったんだけど、お父さんがわざわざ水を持ってきて洗ってくれたのね、、。」 と木田さんが少し声を詰まらせながら言った。 Photos courtesy of Yuji Kaneko for use on Nuclear Hotseat website.  Reproduction requires permission.
Setsuko was surprised to see clean dishes stacked on her kitchen sink. “The dishes were still dirty in the sink, but my husband must have brought along some water and washed them,” she said, choking back tears.
Photos courtesy of Yuji Kaneko for use on Nuclear Hotseat website. Reproduction requires permission.


  • Oconee Nuclear Station in Florida forced to shut down from undetected crack that leaked; NRC forces regulator Duke Energy to attend a conference;
  • Proposed shutdown of Indian Point reactors near Manhattan so heated water discharge doesn’t kill billions of fish, fish eggs and larvae; Entergy asks NRC to extend licenses another 20 years each, though Unit 2’s license expired in 2013 – and it’s still operating!


When people get concerned about safety limits, change the limit to change the perception = no problem!
When people get concerned about safety limits, change the limit to change the perception = no problem!
  • Florida Power and Light’s Turkey Point nuclear power reactors in Miami-Dade County are trying to cool the reactor with canal water that’s 99 degrees – only one degree short of the NRC’s safety limit for cooling water.  FPL’s solution?  Asking the NRC to raise the 100-degree operating limit to 104 degrees so the reactors can stay on line.  OY!