NH #107: Food/Radiation Update w/FFAN’s Kim Roberson, Sean Witzling
INTERVIEW: Kimberly Roberson — nutritionist, author and founder of the Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) on the latest in food/radiation safety, plus the new FFAN petition with the FDA to get “allowable” radiation limits dropped. She’s joined by Sean Witzling of Citizens for Health, who explains this new petition process. Once you’ve listened, go sign and comment:
The US “alternative energy” loan guarantee program guaranteed to give billions… to nukes!
- Scientists and medical experts take on the UN over Fukushima radiation report;
- Energy Dept. considers dumping $3.7 billion boondoggle Savannah River Site;
- Davis-Besse shuts down – again;
- Millions of shrimp-like krill dead on beaches of northern California, Oregon;
- India/Russia nuclear liability head-butting may permanently sink proposed Koodankulam #3,4,5 & 6, even as #1 may be commissioned “at any time;”
- TEPCO shareholders demanding the utility dump nukes;
- SCANDAL ALERT: In Japan, funds for recovery from the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster diverted to cover utility companies <!>
- In historic public vote, of Japan’s nine political parties, EIGHT come out against nukes: