NH #106: Keegan: Ohio’s Davis-Besse follows SanO Lead; MamaBears, Native Elders Protest Grand Canyon Uranium Mining
Michael Keegan, Chair of the Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes, fills us in on how San Onofre strategy will impact the campaign to shut down Davis-Besse in Ohio.
- Beyond Nuclear – http://www.beyondnuclear.org/
- Citizens Environment Alliance SW Ontario – http://www.citizensenvironmentalliance.org/
- Don’t Waste Michigan – http://dwmi.homestead.com/
- Sierra Club Ohio – http://ohiosierraclub.org/
MamaBears Brigade’s Dr. Catherine “Wind” Euler and native American Havasupai Waters on their continuing protest of uranium mining at the Grand Canyon, including elevated radiation readings on tourist walkways.
- MamaBears Against Nukes – https://www.facebook.com/mamabears.againstnukes?fref=ts&ref=br_tf
- Article on recent protests: https://lajicarita.wordpress.com/2013/06/27/protesters-in-santa-fe-say-no-uranium-mining/
NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK: Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority
- Hanford leak is “worst case scenario;”
- MacFarlane survives Sen. Boxer’s wrath at NRC refusal to hand over San Onofre documents, gets re-nominated as NRC Chair;
- David Lochbaum of Union of Concerned Scientists provides the NRC “DUCK!” Report on Non-Detecting Examinations;
- Elevated levels of tritium, strontium found in harbor at Fukushima Daiichi;
- Yablokov takes on the UNSCEAR report minimizing cancer risks from Fukushima;
- First of the Fukushima 50 dies of lung cancer.
LINKS for the NRC “DUCK!” Report:
- Union of Concerned Scientists – NRC slides on their NDE (non-destructive examinations aka non-detecting examinations): http://pbadupws.nrc.gov/docs/ML1315/ML13159A009.pdf