NH #41 – Three Mile Island Anniversary Special, The Koodankulam 15, Dr. Helen Caldicott

Download it here:http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/e0e8afa5-1b3d-95df-37be-2ffd0ba3ade2.mp3 Special report on Three Mile Island on the eve of the 33rd anniversary, including host Libbe HaLevy’s personal story of having been one mile away when it happened; Exclusive interview w/Dr. Helen Caldicott; 15 Koodankulam activists in India now 9 days into a fast to the death (if necessary) to stop two…

NH #30: How Nuclear Activists Can Get on the Radar of Reporters BEFORE March 11

Reporters always need sources and don’t know where to find them.  They’ll also take the easiest way out whenever possible.  News and journalism have been so degraded since I got my BA in the field that it’s sad to see such simplistic “reporting” when stories are so much richer and more complex than get represented…

NH #29: The (Nuclear) Chain of Life: Are Cancer and Autism Linked to Your Grandmother’s Radiation Exposure?

An email forwarded to me from Mary Olsen of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS.com) has been haunting me. It’s well known within the anti-nuclear movement that radiation most profoundly affects fetuses and the very young.  In explaining this phenomenon, Mary wrote, “In addition to radiation impacts on DNA (both egg and sperm), there is…